Danskeres foretrukne betalingsmiddel støttes i Life Peaks.

MobilePay empowers people across the Nordics to share life through joyful exchanges.

No one wants complexity or intermediaries when they’re managing their transactions. No matter who you are, everyone loves the small technological wonders in life.

People value empowerment and the freedom to act, exchange and share. And we’ve found that this feeling is universal, whether you’re a business owner or a person – and that, as MobilePay is so widely used, you’re often both.

Simplicity with a swipe. It’s what we want for everyone.

We’re excited to shape the emerging future with you, so that you can exchange and interact, effortlessly.



Betalinger i Life Peaks sker ved det førende betalingssystem, QuickPay


Gennem ClearHaus understøttes MasterCard og Visa transaktioner

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