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- Rules gift cards must meet to be issued tax-free as a gift to an employee
- Redeeming with the Life Peaks Web Application
- Redemption with Life Peak’s QR scanner
- Extension of validity
- Cancellation of gift cards
- Change greeting or image on personal greeting
- Manual issuance of gift cards
- Guide to bookkeeper lists
- Reconciliation of revenue
- Use of right of redemption and right of withdrawal
- Customize attendee lists with one line per order
- Tracking data with Google Analytics and other tools
Guide to bookkeeper lists
In the Accountant menu you can access overviews of:
- Total sales
- Monthly lists
- Daily lists
- Turnover for time-specific period
- Settlement
1. Total sales
Here you can pull an itemized sales list for all revenue generated. The overview shows all data in real time (active, redeemed, expired etc)
Via the columns in the overview, you can sort by whether you want to see active/redeemed revenue, and whether you want to identify specifically on gift cards, tickets, special offers, etc.
2. Monthly lists
The monthly lists show the revenue generated, redeemed and refunded in a given month, especially if you want to reconcile the amount transferred each month on the 20th (Generated revenue).
3. Daily sales lists
If you reconcile your sales on a daily basis, you can pull lists of what sales have been generated online, manually created, and redeemed on a daily basis.
If you are logged in as an administrator, you will get data for all sales.
If you are logged in with an employee login, only the manual revenue created by the specific user will be visible (this is relevant if each employee/department has to reconcile via their unique user login.
4. Revenue for time-specific period
This feature is particularly useful when you want to identify a given revenue retrospectively, where you can sort by generated revenue, active revenue, redeemed revenue, and expired revenue for a time-specific period.
For example, if you want to identify the outstanding debt (active revenue) as of 31.12, this can be done by sorting by “Active revenue” for the desired period. In the date range, simply select a date prior to the time you started working with Life Peaks.
Similarly, you can identify the total revenue you have sold in a period by selecting “Revenue generated in the period”. This can be further broken down into gift cards, events, special offers, vouchers and credit, if applicable.
Columns in excel lists
Internal value
When issuing manual gift cards, you can (optionally) enter a smaller internal value, e.g. in case an invoice is sent for the face value of the gift card.
Paid value
The value of the gift cards created online.
Revenue generated / Balance
The total value of gift cards sold in a given period – including both redeemed and active gift cards
Payment shows whether a gift card is manually, manually OTH or online created.
Commission value
The commission value documents the value on which Life Peaks’ commission is calculated.
By default, the commission is always calculated on the balance value (the value that the entity is created with).
The system enables you to issue gift cards with discount and added value. If you issue gift cards with added value on redemption, or discount on face value, the commission is only calculated on the value paid.
Example: Gift cards are issued with 25% added value on redemption.
The value (Balance) the consumer receives upon redemption is 1.250,-
The value the consumer pays (Commission value) is 1.000,-
The commission is calculated on 1.000,-